
Ventimiglia et al developed a nomogram to help to identify an infertile male who may should undergo karyotype testing. The authors are from Universitata Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Univeristy of Milano and L'Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan.


Patient selection: infertile male


Outcome: karyotype analysis



(1) serum LH, presumably IU/L

(2) mean testis volume in mL (presumable average of left and right testis volume)

(3) sperm concentration in million per mL


points for LH =

= MIN(100,3.333*(LH))


points for mean testis volume =

= MAX(0,-0.48*(volume))


points for sperm concentration =

= MIN(0,-0.55*(sperm count in 10^6/L))


total score =

= SUM(points for all 3 parameters)



• minimum score: 0

• maximum score: 167

• The authors used 2% for threshhold to do testing since the negative predictive value was 99%. This corresponds to a score of 58.

• A cutoff of 5% had a better Youden score (39% vs 27%). This corresponds to a score of 78.

Total Score

Percent Karyotype Abnormality

<= 44

< 1%

44 to 167

(0.00644 * ((points)^2)) - (0.6604 * (points)) + 17.49


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