
The neutrophil-to-platelet ratio can have prognostic significance.


(1) absolute neutrophil count in 10^3/µL or 10^9/L

(2) platelet count in 10^3/L or 10^9/L


neutrophil to platelet ratio =

= (absolute neutrophil count) / (platelet count)


This results in a number such as 0.025.


Wei et al modified the score by multiplying it by 1000 (0.025 becomes 25).



The ratio may be elevated with an elevated neutrophil count and/or decreased platelet count.

The ratio may be depressed with a decreased neutrophil count and/or elevated platelet count.

A number of adverse outcomes are associated with an elevated NPR (in-hospital mortality, long-term mortality, MACE events).

Somaschini et al reported an NPR > 0.045 to be associated with 30-day mortality following STEMI.

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