
Fatigue may be classified as central or peripheral. A number of neurological disorders may be associated with central fatigue.


Central fatigue is characterized by a feeling of constant exhaustion.


Neurological disorders:

(1) cerebral vasculitis, Wegener's granulomatosis or other autoimmune disease

(2) cerebrovascular disease

(3) channelopathies

(4) cerebral palsy, Chiari malformation or other developmental disorder

(5) dysautonomia (autonomic dysfunction)

(6) neurosarcoid

(7) hypothalamic and/or pituitary disease

(8) metabolic encephalopathy

(9) mitochondrial disease

(10) migraine

(11) motor neuron disease

(12) multiple sclerosis (MS)

(13) multiple system atrophy

(14) Parkinson's disease

(15) myotonic dystrophy

(16) narcolepsy

(17) paraneoplastic neurologic disorders (limbic encephalitis, other)

(18) infection (encephalitis, meningitis, etc)


Neurological disorders following an precipitating event:

(1) stroke

(2) infection (encephalitis lethargica, polio, Q fever, Lyme disease, viral)

(3) surgery on the posterior fossa

(4) cardiopulmonary bypass

(5) head trauma, especially to the back of the head

(6) Guillain-Barre syndrome


Idiopathic neurological disorder

(1) chronic fatigue syndrome


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