Patient selection: on mechanical ventilation.
Pathophysiology of VAE: worsening oxygenation
Requirements for diagnosis of VAE:
(1) established baseline
(2) at least one iindicator present
(1) The patient shows stable or improving daily minimum FIO2 (fraction of oxygen in inhaled air) or PEEP.(positive end-expiratory pressure)
(2) The findings are present for >= 2 calendar days.
The reference values:
(1) minimum FIO2 in the 2 days prior to increase
(2) minimum PEEP in the 2 days prior to increase
Indicators of VAE – one or more of the following:
(1) increase in minimum daily FIO2 >= 0.2 over baseline for >= 2 calendar days
(2) increase in minimum daily PEEP >= 3 cm H2O over baseline for >= 2 calendar days
• The patient needs to be stable or improving for >= 2 calendar days.
• Performance depends on what data is used.