MRI features suggesting a developmental or antenatal insult:
(1) irregular ventricular dilatation
(2) enlarged extracerebral space
(3) widening of the interhemispheric fissure
(4) focal infarction with atrophy
(5) organized hemorrhage
(6) marked asymmetry in cerebral structures
(7) cortical dysplasia, structural anomalies, etc indicative of a developmental anomaly
(8) cystic degeneration
MRI features suggesting a perinatal insult:
(1) acute edema with brain swelling
(2) highlighting of the cortex
(3) acute or subacute hemorrhage (extracerebrl, parenchymal, intraventricular)
(4) evolving infarction in an arterial distribution
(5) evolving infarction in a parasagittal or watershed distribution
(6) loss of differentiation between grey and white matter, focal or global
(7) abnormal signal intensity in the thalami and basal ganglia
(8) abnormal signal intensity in the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC)