
Prohl et al evaluated different outcomes following cardiac arrest. They developed model for predicting the probability of never regaining consciousness after losing consciousness during a cardiac arrest. The authors are from the University of Hamburg and Hamburg-Eppendorf University.



(1) age in years

(2) serum NSE (neuron specific enolase) in ng/mL on day 4 (method ECLIA Roche/Hitachi Modular Analytics E170; upper limit of normal reference range at 95th percentile 15.2 ng/mL)

(3) clinical examination score on day 4, which ranges from 0 to 32 (with 32 normal)


X =

= (0.061 * (age in years)) + (0.248 * (serum NSE on day 4)) - (0.347 * (CES on day 4)) - 0.73


probability of never regaining consciousness =

= 1 / (1 + EXP((-1) * X))


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