The Maternal Mirror Syndrome is a rare disorder first described by Ballantyne.
Synonym: pseudotoxemia, maternal hydrops, early onset preeclampsia
Patient selection: pregnant woman
Hydrops is present in the fetus and precedes the maternal changes.
Fetal conditions may include:
(1) Rhesus incompatibility
(2) twin-twin transfusion syndrome
(3) viral infection
(4) fetal malformations
(5) fetal tumors
(6) placental tumors
Findings in the mother secondary to (“mirroring”) the fetal hydrops:
(1) water retention with edema
(2) hypertension
(3) proteinuria
(4) eclampsia
The onset is usually from 22-28 weeks of gestaton.
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Specialty: Obstetrics & Gynecology
ICD-10: ,