
Iacono et al studied the significance of lymphoid nodular hyperplasia in pediatric patients. The authors are from Di Cristina Children's Hospital, Children's Hospital Brescia and Policlinico University Hospital in Palermo, Italy.


A lymphoid nodule was defined as a follicle extruding into the bowel lumen with a diameter of <= 2 mm (using the diameter of a biopsy forceps for sizing).


Lymphoid nodule hyperplasia involves a cluster of >= 10 lymphoid follicles (the text says <= 10, but Figure 1 and the data in Table 3 suggest that >= 10 is more likely).


Location: terminal ileum and colon


Lymphoid nodule hyperplasia is relatively common in pediatric patients.


Possible causes:

(1) delayed hypersensitivity to food allergens, especially if increased eosinophils are present.

(2) immunodeficiency

(3) infection


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