A successful liver transplant can make a significant improvement in the patient's quality of life.
Factors which may impact the patient's quality of life after the transplant:
(1) improvement in hepatic function, with reversal of pretransplant signs and symptoms
(2) persistence of neurologic symptoms
(3) severity of the liver disease and disability prior to the transplant
(4) severity of comorbid conditions (renal disease, diabetes, etc) after the transplant
(5) reason for hepatic failure (patients with viral hepatitis C may have a greater impairment in quality of life, especially if the infection recurs)
(6) level of psychological distress after the transplant
(7) negative effects associated with post-transplant medications
(8) presence of rejection
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Purpose: To evaluate a patient who has had a liver transplant for factors that may impact quality of life.
Objective: response to therapy, quality of life
ICD-10: Z94.4,