Lagochilascariasis is a rare helminthic infection caused by a nematode that is found in tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America.
Species: Lagochilascariasis minor
Eggs: 50-90 microns with thick shells and a coarse, pitted surface
Host: wild felines
Infection occurs when a person ingests raw or undercooked feline meat that contains L3 larvae.
Autoinfection can occur once the host is infected.
The main clinical finding is a nodular lesion in the head and neck region, including:
(1) cervical region
(2) mastoid
(3) middle ear
(4) pharynx
(5) brain
A nodule may show a cutaneous fistula tract from which worms may be discharged.
The eosinophil count is often normal.
Relapse can occur if therapy is stopped as soon as nodules disappear. A patient should be treated for at least one month after a cliinical cure has been achieved.
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