
Mair et al identified laboratory tests associated with poor prognosis for patients with severe hypothermia. This can help identify those patients for whom further attempts at resuscitation may be futile. The authors are from the University of Innsbruck in Austria.



(1) serum potassium

(2) central venous pH

(3) activated clotting time using 2 mL central venous blood and celite as activator


The risk of survival was poor with:

(1) serum potassium > 9 mmol/L

(2) central venous pH < 6.50

(3) activated clotting time > 400 seconds


The presence of one or more of these findings indicates a patient with a poor prognosis. While a few patients may be resuscitated with these findings, their measurement can help support clinical judgment. In addition, it can help triage patients if the number of victims exceeds the ability to provide cardiopulmonary bypass support.


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