
The jersey finger is a finger injury acquired in contact sport.

Injury acquisition: forced extension of a flexed digit, typically by grabbing the jersey of an opponent running at high speed. There is forced extension of the finger while it is attempting maximal flexion.


Injury: avulsion of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon from its insertion into the distal phalanx


Clinical features:

(1) no active flexion of the distal interphalangeal joint is possible

(2) forming a fist shows the affected finger to be in extension compared to other digits

(3) variable pain in the digit

(4) loss of grip strength


Imaging studies are important to exclude fracture and to confirm tendon rupture. In the case of tendon rupture the studies can locate the ends of the tendon.



Specific Features


severe avulsion, with tendon retracting into the palm


tendon retracts but remains over the proximal interphalangeal joint


ruptured tendon retains a bone fragment and is not retracted


tendon avulsion separate from bone fracture; tendon often retracts into palm


Surgery within 10 days of injury is associated with excellent outcomes.


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