Dubois et al reported criteria from an international working group (IWG) for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Typical Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed if certain findings are present. The authors are from multiple institutions in Europe and North America.
Criteria tor typical AD - both of the following and no exclusions:
(1) specific clinical phenotype
(2) in-vivo evidence
Specific clinical phenotype:
(1) early and significant episodic memory impairment
(2) gradual and progressive change in memory function over > 6 months
(3) objective evidence of an amnestic syndrome of the hippocampal type
In-vivo evidence - one of the following:
(1) decreased amyloid beta(1-42) AND increased T-tau or P-tau in CSF
(2) increased tracer retention on amyloid PET
(3) Alzheimer's disease autosomal dominant mutation (PSEN1, PSEN2 or APP)
Excluding criteria:
(1) sudden onset
(2) early occurrence of gait disturbance, seizures or major behavioral changes
(3) focal neurological findings
(4) early extrapyramidal signs
(5) early hallucinations
(6) cognitive fluctuations
(7) major depression
(8) cerebrovascular disease
(9) toxic, inflammatory or metabolic disorder
(10) other cause of dementia
(11) changes in the middle temporal lobe (MRI FLAIR or T2 signal changes) consistent with infection or infarct