
The Intersection Syndrome affects the wrist in wide range of activities.

Anatomic site affected: crossing point between the first and second dorsal compartments in the wrist


First compartment tendons: abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis

Second compartment tendons: extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus


Mechanism: tenosynovitis caused by repetitive friction at the junction in which tendons of the first dorsal compartment cross over the second dorsal compartment


Triggering activities: repetitive extension and flexion of the wrist


It may affect participants in:

(1) ice cliff or mountain climbing

(2) rowing

(3) racquet sports

(4) baseball

(5) hockey

(6) golf.

(7) skiing

(8) canoeing

(9) horseback riding


Clinical features:

(1) wrist pain just proximal and dorsal to the radial styloid, which is worse on pronation

(2) variable forearm pain

(3) swelling

(4) crepitus over the dorsum of the wrist


Ultrasound supports the diagnosis.

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