
Beiser et al developed an instrument for identifying a patient with Kawasaki Disease who is at increased risk for developing a coronary artery aneurysm. This can help to identify patients who should be managed and monitored more aggressively. The authors are from Boston University, Boston Children's Hospital, the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles and the US Multicenter Kawasaki Disease Study Group.



(1) baseline percent total neutrophils (= percent bands + percent mature neutrophils)

(2) baseline percent bands

(3) baseline platelet count

(4) baseline hemoglobin

(5) body temperature on day 2 after starting therapy


Criteria for low risk - one or more of the following:

(1) percent total neutrophils < 50% AND ratio of bands to total neutrophils < 0.5

(2) percent total neutrophils < 75% AND ratio of bands to total neutrophils < 0.1

(3) hemoglobin >= 10 g/dL AND platelet count >= 350,000 per µL AND temperature on day 2 of treatment < 38°C


A patient was high risk if s/he did not meet the criteria for being low risk.


Rate of Coronary Artery Aneurysms if High Risk






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