
Arcanobacterium haemolyticum is a Gram-positive bacteria that can be a challenge to diagnose because of its slow rate of growth.

Former name: Corynebacterium haemolyticum


The organism releases a number of toxins include:

(1) phospholipase D

(2) arcanolysin

(3) pyolysin


It has been associated with a wide range of infections including:

(1) pharyngitis

(2) sinusitis

(3) orbital cellulitis

(4) cutaneous ulceration

(5) sepsis

(6) osteomyelitis

(7) urinary tract infection

(8) brain abscess


Microbiological features:

(1) Gram-positive diphtheroid/coryneform

(2) aerobic, catalase negative

(3) slow growing

(4) weak beta-hemolysis


Special clinical features:

(1) scarlatiniform rash (diffuse erythematous maculopapular rash, often pruritic and desquamative)

(2) toxic shock-like reaction

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