
Candidates for liver transplant can be classified into different groups such as super urgent or elective. An elective adult candidate must meet certain criteria.

Patient selection: candidate for liver transplantation



(1) projected 5-year survival after transplant > 50%

(2) compliance with treatment protocol

(2a) abstinence for alcoholic liver disease

(2b) discontinuation of illegal substance use



(1) projected 1-year liver disease mortality > 9% without transplant (UKELD score > 49, other criteria)

(2) hepatocellular carcinoma

(3) variant syndromes

(3a) diuretic resistant ascites

(3b) hepatopulmonary syndrome

(3c) chronic hepatic encephalopathy

(3d) persistent and intractable pruritis

(3e) familial amyloidosis

(3f) primary hyperlipidemia

(3g) polycystic liver disease

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