Palta et al developed an index for evaluating severity of baseline respiratory disease in very low birth weight neonates. This can be used to predict length of hospitalization and prolonged oxygen use. The authors are from the Newborn Lung Project involving multiple hospitals in Wisconsin.
Baseline lung disease is any acute respiratory insufficiency or failure in the first few days of life.
(1) birthweight > 1,500
(2) PaO2 > 85 mm Hg
(1) ventilator pressure in mm Hg (PIP)
(2) FIO2
(3) PaO2 in mm Hg
(4) birthweight in grams
(5) Apgar score at 5 minutes
(6) Edwards score for the chest radiograph taken at 12 hours after birth
(7) pneumothorax
(8) pulmonary hemorrhage
(9) pulmonary interstitial emphysema
Parameter |
Finding |
Points |
no ventilation |
0 |
CPAP only |
10 |
10 |
16.7 |
12.5 |
23.2 |
15 |
31 |
17.4 |
39.8 |
20 |
50.7 |
25 |
68 |
30 |
83 |
35 |
90.7 |
40 |
95.4 |
45 |
98.1 |
>= 50 |
100 |
FIO2 |
0.21 (room air) |
0 |
0.25 |
2.7 |
0.30 |
6.5 |
0.40 |
18.7 |
0.50 |
42.2 |
0.60 |
59 |
0.70 |
75.3 |
0.80 |
90.8 |
0.85 |
93.3 |
0.90 |
96.2 |
0.95 |
98.6 |
1.00 |
100 |
PaO2 in mm Hg |
<= 45 mm Hg |
5.3 |
59 |
0 |
79 |
0 |
80 |
-0.6 |
85 |
-1.6 |
birthweight |
500 grams |
100 |
700 grams |
63 |
900 grams |
21.7 |
>= 1,100 grams |
0 |
Apgar score at 5 minutes |
0 |
100 |
1 |
76.2 |
2 |
67.8 |
3 |
36.6 |
4 |
31 |
5 |
22.8 |
6 |
2 |
7 - 10 |
0 |
Edwards score |
0 (or none taken) |
0 |
1 |
13.7 |
2 |
36.2 |
3 |
52.7 |
4 |
71.7 |
5 |
100 |
pneumothorax in 1st 72 hours |
absent |
0 |
present |
100 |
pulmonary hemorrhage in 1st 72 hours |
absent |
0 |
present |
100 |
pulmonary interstitial emphysema in 1st 72 hours |
absent |
0 |
present |
100 |
When the data is examined in Mini-Tab the following equations are derived.
points for PIP from 10 to 16 =
= (2.373 * (PIP)) - 6.825
points for PIP from 16 to 50 =
= (0.001340 * ((PIP)^3)) - (0.2087 * ((PIP)^2)) + (11.03 * (PIP)) - 97.13
points for birthweight if a single equation is used =
= (0.000096 * ((weight)^2)) - (0.3237 * (weight)) + 239.1
points for birthweight from 500 to 700 grams =
= 192.5 - (0.185 * (birthweight))
points for birthweight from 500 to 700 grams =
= 207.55 - (0.2065 * (birthweight))
points for birthweight from 900 to 1100 grams =
= 119.35 - (0.1085 * (birthweight))
points for PaO2 from 45 to 59 =
= (-0.3786 * (PaO2)) + 22.337
points for PaO2 from 81 to 85 =
= (-0.2 * (PaO2)) + 15.4
points for FIO2 from 0.21 to 0.40 =
= (251 * ((FIO2)^2)) - (55.28 * (FIO2)) + 0.628
points for FIO2 from 0.40 to 0.80 =
= (-117.9 * ((FIO2)^2)) + (318.7 * (FIO2)) - 89.25
points for FIO2 from 0.80 to 1.00 =
= (-77.14 * ((FIO2)^2)) + (186.3 * (FIO2)) - 8.98
lung function component =
= (0.60 * (points for PIP)) + (0.40 * (points for FIO2)) + (points for PaO2)
"other component" if Edwards score available =
= (0.06 * (points for birthweight)) + (0.08 * (points for Apgar)) + (0.48 * (points for Edward score)) + (0.09 * (points for pneumothorax)) + (0.14 * (points for pulmonary hemorrhage)) + (0.15 * (points for pulmonary interstitial emphysema))
"other component" if Edwards score cannot be scored due to poor radiograph =
= (0.12 * (points for birthweight)) + (0.15 * (points for Apgar)) + (0.17 * (points for pneumothorax)) + (0.27 * (points for pulmonary hemorrhage)) + (0.29 * (points for pulmonary interstitial emphysema))
• Each factor in the formula for when the Edwards score is unreadable is twice that when it is readable.
• According to the footnote to Table 1 a score of 0 is given if a chest X-ray was not done at 12 hours. In the implementation the absence of a chest X-ray will be scored as if unreadable.
severity index =
= (0.97 * (lung function component)) + (0.33 * (other component)) - (0.0031 * (lung function component) * (other component))
LOG10(days in hospital) =
= 3.604 * (0.009 * (points for birthweight)) + (0.014 * (severity index))
days in hospital =
= 10^ (3.604 * (0.009 * (points for birthweight)) + (0.014 * (severity index)))
• The formula in the paper involved "log" with the base not specified. Using base e resulted in values incompatible with the text description.
X =
= (0.07 * (severity index)) + (0.06 * (points for birthweight)) -3.94
probability oxygen dependency at 30 days =
= 1 / (1 + EXP((-1) * X))
Specialty: Pulmonology, Pedatrics
ICD-10: ,