
The base excess is defined as the number of mEq of acid needed to titrate 1 liter of blood to a pH of 7.4 at pCO2 of 40 mm Hg and at 37 C. It is useful in determining the metabolic component in mixed respiratory and metabolic disorders. There are two versions - in vivo base excess and in vitro base excess.


in vivo base excess =

= ((1.0 - (0.004 * (hemoglobin in g/dL))) * ((HCO3-) - 24)) + ((9 + (0.3 * (hemoglobin in g/dL))) * ((pH) - 7.4)) - (0.3 * (hemoglobin in g/dL) * ((100 - (percent oxygen saturation)) / 100))


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