Some women produce breast milk with an increased amount of lipoprotein lipase. This enzyme can cause lipolysis with release of free fatty acids.
Lipoprotein lipase:
(1) tends to increase after delivery until postpartum day 12 after which it declines
(2) is often activate at low temperatures (down to -20°C)
(3) is more active in the presence of bile salts (bile salt-stimulated)
Breast milk with increased lipoprotein lipase:
(1) may have a soapy odor or taste after storage
(2) may be refused by an infant
(3) is safe for the infant to consume
Scalding the milk (heating to 180°F (82°C) or until small bubbles form at the edge of the pan) will inactivate the enzyme. Scalded milk should be cooled quickly then store until use.
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