
The Invasive Fungal Infection Cooperative Group (IFICG) of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Mycoses Study Group of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) have defined host factors associated with invasive opportunistic fungal infections in a patient with cancer or an hematopoietic stem cell transplant.


Patient selection: malignancy OR status post hematopoietic stem cell transplant


General host factors:

(1) neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count < 500 per µL for > 10 days)

(2) persistent fever for > 96 hours refractory to appropriate broad-spectrum antibacterial treatment

(3) (body temperature > 38°C OR < 36°C) AND a predisposing condition (see table below)

(4) prolonged use (> 3 weeks) of corticosteroids in previous 60 days (2 months)


Host factors seen in hematopoietic stem cell transplants:

(1) evidence of graft-vs-host disease, especially when severe (>= grade 2) or chronic, extensive disease


Predisposing condition associated with abnormal body temperature:

(1) neutropenia > 10 days in previous 60 days (2 months)

(2) recent or current use of significant immunosuppressive agents in previous 30 days (1 month)

(3) proven or probable invasive fungal infection during a previous episode of neutropenia

(4) coexistence of symptomatic AIDS


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