
Evers outlined ways to prevent a hypotensive reaction during preparatory plasmapheresis.

Patient selection: plasmapheresis


Criteria for a severe hypotensive reaction - one or both of the following:

(1) systolic blood pressure <= 90 mm Hg

(2) drop in systolic blood pressure to <= 0.67 of initial systolic blood pressure AND clinical signs (pallor, sweating, loss of consciousness)


Risk factors:

(1) young female

(2) history of hypotensive reaction

(3) hypovolemia during the latter half of procedure (when a large volume of blood is outside of patient's body)


Hypotension can be avoided by infusion of 500 mL of normal (0.9%) saline during and after the procedure (>=250 mL of 0.9% saline during and < 250 mL at the end). Flushing the lines after the procedure can minimize red blood cell loss by the patient.

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