
Hyperviscosity alters blood flow dynamics. A marked elevation in viscosity is associated with thrombosis.

Patient selection: hyperviscosity


Causes of hyperviscosity may include:

(1) myeloma and macroglobulinemia

(2) hypergammaglobulinemia from other cause (vaccination, infection, other)

(3) severe hyperglycemia

(4) iatrogenic


A patient with hyperviscosity often has multiple risk factors for thrombosis.


A patient with a past history of thromboemboli may be at increased risk.


The risk associated with hyperviscosity can be addressed by:

(1) using plasmapheresis to reduce blood viscosity

(2) treating the source (for example, chemotherapy for myeloma)

(3) avoiding iatrogenic causes of a transient increase in viscosity

(4) provide anticoagulation prophylaxis during periods of high risk

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