
Asymptomatic patients can be evaluated for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection by using the appropriate testing algorithm. An initial screening test is performed, and then positive reactions are confirmed with more specific tests.


Step 1: Perform an enzyme immunoassay for anti-HCV antibodies.

(1a) If the test is repeatedly reactive, then proceed to step 2.

(1b) If negative, then stop.


Step 2: Perform a more specific assay, either the RT-PCR for HCV RNA or a RIBA test for anti-HCV

(2a) If either is positive, then refer the patient for medical evaluation.

(2b) If the RT-PCR is negative, then perform the RIBA test for anti-HCV. If the RIBA test is positive, then refer for medical evaluation.

(2c) If the RIBA test is negative, then stop.


Step 3: If the RIBA test is indeterminate, then perform RT-PCR and serum ALT.

(3a) If either the RT-PCR or serum ALT is abnormal, then refer for medical evaluation.

(3b) If the RT-PCR is negative AND the ALT is normal, then stop.

(3c) An alternative strategy is to wait 2 or more months and then repeat the RIBA test.


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