
Hassanein et al reported the Hepatic Encephalopathy Scoring Algorithm (HESA) to help grade a patient with hepatic encephalopathy.

Patient selection: hepatic encephalopathy


Grade 4 items:

(1) no eyes opening

(2) no verbal or voice response

(3) no reaction to simple commands


Grade 3 items:

(1) somnolence

(2) confusion

(3) disoriented to place

(4) bizarre behavior, anger or rage

(5) clonus, rigidity, nystagmus and/or positive Babinski sign

(6) mental control = 0 (indication of confusion; a subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale Revised)


Grade 2 items:

(1) lethargy

(2) loss of time

(3) slurred speech

(4) hyperactive reflexes

(5) inappropriate behavior

(6) slow responses (mental control score < 4)

(7) amnesia for recent events

(8) anxiety

(9) impaired simple computations


Grade 1 items:

(1) sleep disorder or impaired sleep pattern

(2) tremor

(3) impaired complex computations

(4) shortened attention span

(5) impaired construction ability

(6) euphoria or depression


If all 3 Grade 4 items are present, then Grade 4.


If >= 3 Grade 3 items are present, then Grade 3.


If >= 2 Grade 2 items (in range 1 to 5) AND if >= 3 items (in range 6 to 9) then Grade 2.


If >= 4 Grade 1 items then Grade 1.


Else Grade 0.



The presence of a higher grade item does not appear to carry over to a lower grade.

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