
Patients with peripheral hypoperfusion and pulmonary congestion following myocardial infarction show increased mortality. Comparable hemodynamic measures are a reduced cardiac output and increased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.


Patient findings:

(1) pulmonary congestion: rales, abnormal chest X-rays (differential flow to the upper pulmonary lobes, blurring of pulmonary vascular margins, perihilar haziness)

(2) peripheral hypoperfusion: hypotension, tachycardia, confusion, cyanosis, oliguria, decreased skin temperature


Hemodynamic testing:

(1) pulmonary capillary wedge pressure using Swan-Ganz catheter

(2) cardiac output, divided by the body surface area, to generate the cardiac index

pulmonary capillary wedge pressure in mm Hg

cardiac index in liters/min per meter squared


<= 18

>= 2.2


> 18

>= 2.2


<= 18

< 2.2


> 18

< 2.2



Interventions that improve the hemodynamic findings (increase cardiac index, reduce pulmonary capillary wedge pressure) reduce mortality.


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