Landry, Turnbull and Howley described an index to describe the extent of healing after periodontal surgery.
Healing Index 1 - Very Poor:
Has 2 or more of the following:
(1) tissue color: >= 50% of gingiva red
(2) response to palpation: bleeding
(3) granulation tissue: present
(4) incision margin: not epithelialized, with loss of epithelium beyond incision margin
(5) suppuration present
Healing Index 2 – Poor:
(1) tissue color: >= 50% of gingiva red
(2) response to palpation: bleeding
(3) granulation tissue: present
(4) incision margin: not epithelialized, with connective tissue exposed
Healing Index 3 – Good:
(1) tissue color: >= 25% and < 50% of gingiva red
(2) response to palpation: no bleeding
(3) granulation tissue: none
(4) incision margin: no connective tissue exposed
Healing Index 4 - Very Good:
(1) tissue color: < 25% of gingiva red
(2) response to palpation: no bleeding
(3) granulation tissue: none
(4) incision margin: no connective tissue exposed
Healing Index 5 – Excellent:
(1) tissue color: all tissues pink
(2) response to palpation: no bleeding
(3) granulation tissue: none
(4) incision margin: no connective tissue exposed
Purpose: To use the healing index of Landry et al to evaluate a patient following periodontal surgery.
Specialty: Otolaryngology
Objective: response to therapy
ICD-10: K00-K14,