
Hand involvement can be a significant problem for a patient with systemic sclerosis.

Sites of involvement may include: joints, tendons, bone, soft tissue and peripheral nerves, in addition to the skin


Hand morbidities include:

(1) digital ulcers and/or necrosis

(2) calcinosis

(3) carpal tunnel syndrome (median neuropathy)

(4) ulnar neuropathy

(5) arthralgias

(6) inflammatory arthritis

(7) degenerative arthritis

(8) psoriatic arthritis like changes

(9) joint erosions

(10) tenosynovitis

(11) tendon friction rub

(12) tendon rupture

(13) acro-osteolysis

(14) osteomyelitis (secondary to digital ulcers)

(15) finger or hand contractures

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