Grades: A, B and C
Features of Grade A - all of the following:
(1) The patient looks well.
(2) The duration of chylous ascites production is < 7 days.
(3) There are no signs of infection.
(4) An ultrasound study or CT scan is negative.
(5) The drainage is not persistent.
(6) The ascites does not prolong the hospital stay.
Features of Grade C - all of the following:
(1) The patient looks ill.
(2) The duration of chylous ascites production is > 14 days.
(3) There are signs of infection.
(4) An ultrasound study or CT scan is positive.
(5) The drainage is persistent.
(6) The ascites prolongs the hospital stay.
Grade B is a case not meeting the criteria for Grade A or C.
A patient with a Grade C chylous ascites may need to undergo surgery and may be readmitted because of the ascites.