
Nesher et al identified risk factors for cranial ischemic complications in a patient with giant cell arteritis. This can help identify a patient who may benefit from closer monitoring and more aggressive management. The authors are from Hadassah-Hebrew University and multiple medical centers in Israel.


Cranial ischemic events in giant cell arteritis include:

(1) loss of vision

(2) stroke

(3) scalp necrosis

(4) tongue necrosis


Risk factors for a cranial ischemic event at presentation:

(1) history of transient cerebro-ophthalmic ischemic events

(2) male gender

(3) absence of systemic symptoms (fatigue; fever, anorexia; systemic symptoms protective)


Risk factors for a cranial ischemic event during followup:

(1) history of cranial ischemic event at presentation

(2) history of transient cerebro-ophthalmic ischemic events during followup

(3) failure to take low dose aspirin (low dose aspirin protective)



• It may be interesting to see if a person taking low-dose aspirin for some other reason is protected at presentation.


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