Rajasekaran and Raja Sabapathy reported the Ganga Hospital Score (GHS) for evaluating open trauma to an extremity. The goal was to develop a score that can help to guide management and to predict functional outcome. The authors are from Ganga Hospital in TamilNadu, India.
(1) injury to skin and fascia (covering structures)
(2) injury to bone and joints (skeletal structures)
(3) injury to musculotendinous and nerve units (functional tissue)
(4) comorbid conditions
Parameter |
Finding |
Points |
injury to skin and fascia |
none |
0 |
wound without skin loss not over fracture |
1 |
wound without skin loss over the fracture |
2 |
wound with skin loss not over the fracture |
3 |
wound with skin los over the fracture |
4 |
circumferential wound with skin loss |
5 |
injury to bone and joints |
none |
0 |
transverse, oblique or small butterfly fragment (< 50% of circumference) |
1 |
large butterfly fragment (>= 50% of circumference) |
2 |
comminution or segmental fracture without bone loss |
3 |
fracture with bone loss < 4 cm |
4 |
fracture with bone loss >= 4 ccm |
5 |
injury to musculotendinous and nerve units |
none |
0 |
partial injury to unit |
1 |
complete but repairable |
2 |
complete and unrepairable |
3 |
loss of one compartment |
4 |
loss of two or more compartments |
5 |
subtotal amputation |
5 |
• A score of 1 or 2 points indicates an injury that can be managed without any special secondary procedure. A score of 3 indicates that a special secondary procedure is needed with expectation of good functional outcome. A score of 4 or 5 indicates a serious, complex injury which may have a poor functional outcome despite optimum care.
Comorbid conditions - 2 points for each of the following:
(1) > 12 hours interval between injury and debridement
(2) age > 65 years
(3) contamination of the wound with sewage, organic material, farmyard, etc
(4) systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg at presentation (hypotension)
(5) compartment syndrome or another major injury to the same limb
(6) increased risk anesthesia due to drug-dependent diabetes mellitus or cardiorespiratory diseases
(7) polytrauma involving chest and abdomen with ISS > 25 and/or fat embolism
Ganga Hospital Score =
= SUM(points for all 4 parameters)
• minimum score: 0
• maximum score: 29
• The higher the score the more severe the trauma.
• A score >= 14 was used as the threshold score for amputation.
Purpose: To evaluate a patient with significant trauma to an extremity with an open injury using the Ganga Hospital Score (GHS).
Specialty: Surgery, orthopedic, Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Surgery, general
Objective: severity, prognosis, stage
ICD-10: T02,