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Levin et al developed the Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT) for evaluating patients after traumatic head injury. The authors are from Galveston, Texas.


Number of items: 10 groups with 16 total questions

(1) name

(2) birthplace

(3) home

(4) current city

(5) current location

(6) date admitted

(7) how got here

(8) first event remembered since injury

(9) ability to describe first event

(10) last event before injury

(11) ability to describe last event before injury

(12) current time

(13) current day of week

(14) current day of month

(15) current month

(16) current year


total error score =

= SUM(points for all items)


total score =

= 100 - (total error score)



• minimum score: 0

• maximum score: 100

• The lower the score, the greater the degree of injury.

Total Score


76 - 100


66 - 75


<= 65



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