
The Filaria Dance Sign (FDS) is seen on ultrasonography of a patient with active filariasis.


The dance sign is an undulating movement seen in adult worms as they wiggle about inside of dilated lymphatics ("worm nests") or onchocercal nodules.


Requirements: high resolution ultrasonography


Types of filariasis where reported:

(1) Wuchereria bancrofti

(2) Onchocerca volvulus



(1) noninvasive diagnosis of a patient with filariasis, especially when asymptomatic

(2) monitoring the response of the adult worm (macrofilaria) to chemotherapy

(3) detecting adult worms in unexpected locations

(4) guiding fine needle aspiration of sites to confirm microfilaria


Not useful for:

(1) determining the species of the filaria

(2) monitoring the level of microfilaria in the blood after chemotherapy


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