
The FEV1-to-FVC ratio is the volume of air expired in the first second, expressed as a percent of FVC.

FEV1-to-FVC ratio =

= (FEV1) / (FVC ) * 100%


FEV1 to FVC in percent for White males 15-91 years (Crapo, 1981) =

= ((-0.13) * (height in cm)) - (0.152 * (age in years)) + 110.49


FEV1 to FVC in percent for White females 15-84 years (Crapo, 1981)  =

= ((-0.202) * (height in cm)) - (0.252 * (age in years)) + 126.58


FEV1 to FVC in percent for Hispanic males 25-75 years (Crapo, 1990) =

=(-0.1160 * (age in years)) + 86.5881


FEV1 to FVC in percent for Hispanic females 20-80 years (Crapo, 1990)  =

=(-0.1862 * (age in years)) + 91.7259


FEV1 to FVC in percent for White males 65-85 years (Enright, 1993) =

= (-0.294 * (age in years)) + 93.8


FEV1 to FVC in percent for  White females 65-85 years (Enright, 1993) =

= (-0.242 * (age in years)) + 92.3


FEV1 to FVC in percent for White males 18-86 years (Roberts, 1991) =

= (-21.476 * (height in meters)) - (0.242* (age in years)) + 126.252


FEV1 to FVC in percent for White females 18-86 years (Roberts, 1991) =

= (-0.172 * (age in years)) + 88.134



• The FEV1/FVC ratio reflects the severity of pulmonary impairment in obstruction.


FEV1 to FVC ratio


>= 70% of predicted


61 - 69% of predicted

mild obstruction

45 - 60% of predicted

moderate obstruction

< 45% of predicted

severe obstruction


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