Clinical findings that may be seen in PI*ZZ pediatric patients with liver disease:
(1) infant with unexplained increase in serum transaminases and/or total bilirubin
(2) infant with neonatal hepatitis
(3) infant with failure to thrive
(4) infant with vitamin K-deficiency coagulopathy
(5) child or adolescent with hepatomegaly with/without splenomegaly
(6) child or adolescent with symptoms of chronic liver disease
(7) first degree relative with PI*ZZ genotype
Findings associated with a poor prognosis:
(1) first degree relative with PI*ZZ genotype and liver disease
(2) neonatal cholestasis
(3) male gender
(4) prolonged hyperbilirubinemia
(5) prolonged elevation of GGT
(6) prolonged prothrombin time
(7) hard hepatomegaly
(8) early splenomegaly
(9) fuliminant liver disease