
A number of hereditary conditions may cause a visceral myopathy.

Hereditary conditions associated with visceral myopathy:

(1) ACTG2 visceral myopathy

(2) other visceral myopathies (CHRM3, CHRNA3, EDNRB, EDN3, SOX10, FLNA, LMOD1, MYH11, plus others)

(3) muscular dystrophies

(4) mitochondrial myopathy


The consequences of visceral myopathy are seen in:

(1) the gastrointestinal tract

(2) the bladder

(3) the uterus


Clinical findings:

(1) megacystis

(2) megaureter

(3) chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO)

(4) microcolon or intestinal dilatation (megacolon, megaduodenum, etc)

(5) variable ophthalmoplegia and/or mydriasis

(6) rare prune belly syndrome

(7) malnutrition with need for parenteral nutrition

(8) uterine hypotonia



(1) megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome (MMIHS)

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