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Warschausky et al identified factors impacting the quality of life for a child with craniofacial anomalies. An anomaly that is mild and limited may have little impact on the patient's quality of life, but this cannot be said for a major anomaly. The authors are from the University of Michigan.


Factors impacting the quality of life of a child with craniofacial anomalies:

(1) personal dissatisfaction with appearance

(2) lack of acceptance by others in the community (ridicule, rejection, etc)

(3) lack of acceptance and rejection by family members

(4) impairment of vision, hearing and/or speech

(5) other learning and developmental disabilities

(6) other physical problems

(7) behavioral problems

(8) social isolation and/or poor social skills

(9) depression

(10) poor self-image and feelings of self-worth


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