Birgit et al identified factors associated with the presence of ovarian follicles in a young female with Turner syndrome. Women with Turner syndrome may become infertile as the number of ovarian follicles decline with age. The authors are from Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University in Sweden.
Patient selection: girls with Turner syndrome from age 8 to 19.8 years of age
Indicators for the presence of ovarian follicles:
(1) mosaic form of Turner syndrome (45X + 46XX + 47XXX)
(2) spontaneous puberty
(3) normal serum concentrations for FSH and anti-Mullerian hormone
• The other forms of Turner syndrome were (1) 45X and (2) structural anomalies in the second X chromosome.
A female with ovarian follicles may be a candidate for oocyte preservation that can be used later if a pregnancy is desired.
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