
Al Dweik et al studied factors that affect how and why a patient reports an adverse drug effect (ADR). The authors are from the University of Ottawa.

Barriers to reporting:

(1) not knowing how

(2) confusion as to who should report the ADR

(3) difficulty in the reporting process

(4) lack of feedback to previous reports

(5) resolution of the ADR

(6) prior negative experience after reporting an ADR

(7) any cost involved (time, mailing, etc)


Reasons for reporting an ADR:

(1) did not want others to experience the ADR

(2) wanted personal feedback about the ADR

(3) wanted to improve drug safety

(4) wanted to improve healthcare practices

(5) did not think that the healthcare provider would report the ADR

(6) asked by healthcare provider to make the report

(7) wanted to raise awareness about the ADR

(8) felt that the ADR was a serious/significant event that needed to be reported

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