
Paracoccidioidomycosis (Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, South American Blastomycosis) causes a deep fungal infection in people living in South America.


The fungus can be found in Central and South America:

(1) Brazil

(2) Venezuela

(3) Columbia

(4) Ecuador

(5) Argentina


Locations where the infection is rare:

(1) Chile

(2) the Antilles

(3) Central America and Mexico


Conditions favoring the fungus:

(1) tropical or subtropical

(2) acidic soil

(3) from 0 to 1,500 meters above sea level

(4) high rainfall


Exposures to the fungus may be associated with encountering soil while:

(1) farming

(2) earth moving and construction

(3) gardening

(4) handling and transporting vegetables


Portals of entry include:

(1) inhalation of spores

(2) ingestion

(3) inoculation into skin or mucus membranes


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