
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the site of smallpox vaccination be examined 6-8 days after the vaccine has been administered. Development of a major reaction at the site indicates that full protection immunity has been achieved. Failure to develop a major reaction may indicate that the patient may have inadequate protection.

Major reactions indicative of immunity:

(1) response after primary vaccination

(2) response after revaccination


Major reaction indicative of immunity – after primary vaccination:

(1) At 3-4 days after the vaccination the lesion is red and pruritic.

(2) A vesicle develops with a surrounding red areola.

(3) The lesion then becomes umbilicated and then pustular by 7-11 days after vaccination.

(4) The lesion then becomes crusted and regresses over the next 7-14 weeks.

(5) After the scab falls away there is an area of permanent scarring,


Major reaction indicative of immunity – after revaccination:

(1) This may be less pronounced, evolve faster and or heal faster than after a first time vaccination.

(2) A reaction is positive if at 6-8 days after vaccination one of the following lesions is seen

(2a) a pustular lesion

(2b) an area of induration

(2c) area of congestion about a central scab or ulcer


Failure to develop an adequate reaction:

(1) immune response sufficient to suppress viral multiplication

(2) impotent vaccine

(3) poor vaccination technique

(4) allergic reaction


If an inadequate reaction is observed, then a repeat vaccination is performed by a competent person using vaccine from a fresh vial from a different lot.


If the repeat vaccination fails to elicit a major reaction, then the health care provider should contact the local or state health department or the CDC for advice.

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