
Willems et al reported several equations for estimating the left ventricular ejection time in adults. One equation required more complex data inputs. The authors are from the University of Leuven in Belgium.


Patient selection: older adult > 60 years of age



(1) heart rate in beats per minute

(2) arm-to-tongue circulation time in seconds

(3) transverse heart diameter in mm in the AP chest X-ray (maximal horizontal diameter)

(4) systolic blood pressure in mm Hg

(5) hemoglobin in g/dL


LVET in milliseconds =

= 465 - (1.71 * (heart rate)) - (0.53 * (circulation time)) - (0.25 * (transverse heart diameter)) + (0.13 * (systolic blood pressure)) - (1.89 * (hemoglobin))



• R was 0.79.


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