Perlas et al reported equations for calculating gastric volume based on measurements taken at ultrasonography. The authors are from the University of Toronto and Toronto Western Hospital.
(1) age in years
(2) height in cm
(3) weight in kilograms
(4) cross-sectional area of the stomach in the supine view in square cm
(5) cross-sectional area of the stmach in the lateral position
Low Value
High Value
19 years
58 years
45 kg
105 kg
150 cm
192 cm
area in supine view
2.3 sq cm
16.27 sq cm
area in lateral view
4.88 sq cm
20.18 sq cm
gastric volume in mL =
= (483.09 * LN(cross sectional area in supine)) - (5.84 * (age in years)) - (9.94 * (height in cm)) + 1199.99
gastric volume in mL =
= (282.49 * LN(cross sectional area in lateral)) - (1.68 * (weight in kg)) - 372.54
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