Nathan et al derived equations for estimating a patient's mean blood glucose concentration from the hemoglobin A1c. The authors are from the Massachusetts General Hospital.
Time interval: preceding 8 to 12 weeks
Glucose measurement: continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)
predicted mean glucose in mmol/L by the linear equation =
= (1.75 * (hemoglobin A1c in percent as a whole number)) - 3.81
predicted mean glucose in mmol/L by the exponential equation =
= (0.000136 * EXP(hemoglobin A1c in percent)) + (1.28 * (hemoglobin A1c in percent)) - 0.92
• When data is fed into the exponential model, the values that are returned are significantly different from those shown in Table 3 on page 2242.
predicted hemoglobin A1c in percent for a mean glucose value =
= ((glucose in mmol/L) + 3.81) / 1.75 =
= (0.57 * (mean glucose in mmol/L)) + 2.177
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Purpose: To estimate a patient's mean glucose during continuous glucose monitoring based on the hemoglobin A1c using the equations of Nathan et al.
Specialty: Endocrinology, Clinical Laboratory
Objective: laboratory tests
ICD-10: E10, E11,