
Kokudo et al reported 3 equations for estimating the total liver volume of a patient undergoing living donor liver transplantation. One of these does not use body weight which is affected by the general condition of the patient. The authors are from the University of Tokyo and Universitaire Vaudois in Lausanne.


(1) age in years

(2) thoracic width in cm measured on chest CT at full inspiration as the horizontal distance between the left and right costophrenic angles)

(3) race (0 if Caucasian, 1 if Asian)

(4) body surface area in square meters by equation of Dubois and Dubois

(5) body mass index

(6) sex (0 if female, 1 if male)


total liver volume in mL =

= (58.7 * (thoracic width)) - (3.61 * (age)) - (463.7 * (points for race)) + 203.3


total liver volume in mL =

= (70.8 * (points for sex)) - (1.95 * (age)) + (761.2 * ((BSA)^2)) - (1940 * (BSA)) - (420.1 * (points for race)) + 2670.1


total liver volume in mL =

= (210.7 * (points for sex)) - (505.8 * (points for race)) + (18.8 * (BMI)) - (3.24 * (age)) + 1222.1

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