(1) Cornell voltage in mV
(2) age in years
(3) body mass index (BMI) in kilograms per square meters
(4) gender
adjusted Cornell voltage in mV for males =
= ((Cornell voltage in mV) + (0.0174 * (age)) + (0.1914 * (BMI)) - 4) / 2 =
= (0.5 * (Cornell voltage)) + (0.0087 * (age)) + (0.0957 * (BMI)) - 2
adjusted Cornell voltage in mV for females =
= ((Cornell voltage in mV) + (0.0387 * (age)) + (0.2122 * (BMI)) - 4.9) / 3 =
= (0.333 * (Cornell voltage)) + (0.0129 * (age)) + (0.07073 * (BMI)) - 1.633
Performance (Table 6, Norman and Levy):
• An adjusted voltage of 1.78 mV was 50% sensitive for detecting left ventricular hypertrophy.
• An adjusted voltage of 1.53 mV was 85% specific for detecting left ventricular hypertrophy. An adjusted voltage of 1.830 was 95% specific.