
Matthews et al developed an equation for predicting cardiorespiratory fitness of adults based on body measurements and self-reported physical activity. The authors are from the University of Massachusetts.


Patients: adults 19 to 79 years of age



(1) age in years

(2) gender (male 1, female 0)

(3) physical activity status (PAS)

(4) height in meters

(5) body mass in kilograms


The Physical Activity Status (PAS) ranges from 0 (avoids any physical activity) to 7 (heavy physical exertion).


predicted maximal oxygen uptake in mL per kg per minute =

= (0.133 * (age in years)) – (0.005 * ((age in years)^2)) + (11.403 * (points for gender)) + (1.463 * (PAS points)) + (9.17 * (height in meters)) – (0.254 * (body mass in kilograms)) + 34.142


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