Patient selection: cancer patient
(1) age in years
(2) serum creartinine in µmol/L
(3) gender (male =0, female =1)
(4) NSAID therapy (no = 0, yes = 1)
(5) body mass index
(6) body weight in kilograms
GFR in mL per min per 1.73 square meter =
= 10^X
X =
= 2.36 – (0.33 * LOG10(age)) – (0.78 * LOG10(creatinine)) + (0.87 * LOG10(weight)) – (0.03 * (points for NSAID) * LOG10(creatinine)) + ((points for gender) * ((0.05 * (points for NSAID)) – (0.003 * (BMI))))
• The equation overestimated measured GFR for GFRs < 60 ml/min/1.73 sq m, but less than other equations (CG, MDRDm CKD-EPI).
• The equation slightly underestimated measured GFR for GFRs >= 60 mL/min/1.73 sq m while the other equations tended to overestimate.