Eosinophilic arthritis refers to an acute arthritis with an excess of eosinophils in the aspirated joint fluid.
(1) clinical acute arthritis, which may be polyarticular
(2) eosinophilia in the aspirated fluid from an affected joint (either > 700 per µL or > 11% of the differential count)
Some patients may have:
(1) asthma
(2) urticarial skin rash
(3) eosinophilia in the peripheral blood
(4) Charcot-Leyden crystals in the joint fluid
Some patients have a probable explanation:
(1) parasitic infection (toxocariasis, filariais, other)
(2) allergic drug reaction
(3) allergic food reaction
(4) other allergic reactions
(5) hyperosinophilic syndrome
Some patients do not have a cause identified despite a complete and extensive workup.
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Specialty: Immunology/Rheumatology, Surgery, orthopedic, Infectious Diseases