
A patient with amebic colitis may present with nonspecific findings. The diagnosis can be made with endoscopy provided appropriate studies are performed.


Patient selection: endoscopy on a patient with colitis


Endoscopic features of the colonic mucosa:

(1) erythema

(2) edema

(3) mucosal erosions

(4) white exudates

(5) mucosal ulcers


Biopsies should be taken and intestinal fluid over the colitis collected.


Intestinal fluid should be tested for:

(1) bacterial pathogens

(2) acid fast bacilli

(3) ova and parasites


Entamoeba can be seen in biopsies using the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain or other stain including immunoperoxidase staining (if available). Trophozoies of E. histolytica will show hemophagocytosis.


The diagnosis is supported by

(1) a positive clinical response to metronidazole.

(2) exclusion of other diagnoses (but a patient may have more than one cause for colitis)


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